Flash back to 3yrs ago, I went on an 11 month mission trip with a group of 15 people. We travelled to 2 states and 4 countries within that timeframe. When we were near the end of that journey our mentor and leadership team told us to pray about what’s next, where God is leading us. I then sought the Lord and he showed me Spain.
The Lord put a dream in my heart 3yrs ago to do ministry in Spain. At that time Covid was still taking the world by storm and the trip kept getting delayed. Being that I had recently returned home, I was still trying to find my footing and plan to leave all at the same time. The trip then got pushed back again, and I felt the Lord saying “not now.“ So with that being said, when the offer for us to step down from the trip and get a refund was presented, I took it.
I planted my feet firmly at home. I sought community and nurtured the relationships in my life from before I left. I found a job with a ministry that allowed me to travel and do missions, but also helped me develop financial stability. I stayed for a while, until the Lord showed me my next step. It was a career change into the school system, a job that I had prior to Covid.
It was a great decision for me and my family due to us being able to have more time together, similar schedules, and more opportunities to serve with my local church. In the past 3yrs I have grown in my faith, I have helped to develop a thriving community of young adults, and I am more confident in who Christ has made me to be and how He has blessed me.
That brings us to now. I could tell last year God was preparing me for something, but I had no idea what. Turns out it’s Spain!! It only took years of refining and seeking after the Lord and I am so greatful. I wasn’t ready for Spain then, I think I was still running away to find myself, but now I’m running to help others find Christ and show them how loved they are in Him!! I have the opportunity to go the Spain this June and hike part of the Camino de Santiago as an alumni with the World Race. This is the same organization I travelled with years ago, except now it’s in a different capacity. It’s always better in God’s timing and with His plan.
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